A few unanswered questions…

What is Happiness..

Fulfillment of all desires or absence of any?

What does a Tear hold…

Helplessness… despair… an acceptance of being doomed… or the immeasurable strength and an  unflinching resolve to overcome the odds?

Who is God…

An external all-powerful being that dictates every action or the distinct inner voice which hints at the right path to take but lets you decide your own Karma?

What is True Love…

A bouquet of roses and unexpected gifts on special occasions or a glass of water at the end of a tough day?

What is the definition of a Soul-mate…

A person who completes you or one who accepts you with all your flaws?

What is the test of True Friendship…

A relationship where nothing is left unsaid or one which is not a slave to words and expression?

Who is the ideal Father…

One who never lets you stumble or the one who helps you dust yourself off after each fall?

Who is a doting Mother…

One who protects her children from all evils or the one who teaches them to face their fears head on?

Who is an accomplished Teacher…

One who provides you with all the answers or the one who leads you to question things with a renewed sense of purpose?

What would you want your kid to be…

A better version of you or a flawed original individual?

What leads to lasting peace and contentment…

Achieving the pinnacle of success or knowing that you gave it your best shot even if you failed?


Author: Gaurav Ramani

I am essentially a reading enthusiast who has turned to writing. Being a free lance content writer, I normally churn out words and content that suit my client`s needs. Maintaining a personal blog gives me the freedom to write about topics that are close to my heart. Views expressed here are personal. All content writing queries can be emailed to tarkash.writings@gmail.com

3 thoughts on “A few unanswered questions…”

  1. Perfect gaurav at first we wish the first which is easy and comfortable but our inner voice say no second one is correct.
    We became whatever choices we made.


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